About Me

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Fredonia, New York, United States
So...I work at NOPL@NS! It's a good place. I like it. I attend SUNY Fredonia for Computer Information Systems, Criminal Justice, and Business Administration. I know, I got my hands full. It's alot of fun though, not the best place but I love the courses. I'd like to think I'm a decent, 'normal' college kid. Just trying to get through life the best I can for now.


Things 5,6 & 7!

Facebook, Myspace, Bebo...What are they gonna think up next? I have Facebook and Myspace, I've tried some of the others but I don't like them. Probably just cause I'm not used to them. Not my cup of whatever.

Facebook is my big thing. I've had my account for a few years now. Never really wanted one but everyone kept telling me to get one so I finally bowed down to the peer pressure and got it. Oh well I suppose. I used to be on it all the time but now I'm not. Don't have as much time as I used to. It's connected through my AIM account, cell, and Itouch so I don't really need to get on alot. It's good for reconnecting with people and if you're super bored. If you compare Facebook to what it was when it started and was meant to be, it's alot different now.

Myspace. Oh Myspace. Thank god Facebook bought them out and they're going back to just music. I have a Myspace and I used to be on that alot til Facebook took over. Soon something else will takeover and all these popular social networking sites will be back to what they were meant as.

Social networking is a cool thing and I like the idea of it but sometimes I think it's taken a little to far when there are so many different networks with the exact same plan in mind...to reconnect old and young, family and friends, to bridge the distance gap between everyone.